Holiday Survival Tip 3


Each week throughout the holidays I am going to be posting quick tips on how you can not just survive the holidays, but how you can thrive during this season. Just one more way I am trying to ensure that as Black girls we are loving and being loved well!

Don't forget to grab EQ++, my new course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can love you and those around you a little better. 

Shari Loveday

Holiday Survival Tip 2

Distribute the Weight

Each week throughout the holidays I am going to be posting quick tips on how you can not just survive the holidays, but how you can thrive during this season. Just one more way I am trying to ensure that as Black girls we are loving and being loved well!

Don't forget to grab EQ++, my new course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can love you and those around you a little better.

Shari Loveday

Black Girl Love Well Holiday Survival Tips

Each week throughout the holidays I am going to be posting quick tips on how you can not just survive the holidays, but how you can thrive during this season. Just one more way I am trying to ensure that as Black girls we are loving and being loved well!

Don't forget to grab EQ++, my new course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can love you and those around you a little better. It's on sale for $16 now through November 28, 2022 with the coupon code THANKSGIVING

Shari Loveday

Going Home: When Family is Anything But Safe

Our family members have been displaying toxic patterns of behavior for years and we thought this was normal. But our feelings have been telling us it wasn't okay the entire time. Join me for an episode about when toxic family behavior makes it difficult to go home for the holidays, the message toxicity sends, how these patterns impact us, and how we can manage it so that we don't lose it!

This Thanksgiving, Love Well Family Therapy is launching EQ++, a course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can feel healthier emotionally and impact your relationships positively. More info here

Shari Loveday

In-Laws Comin’ to Town??

The holidays are upon us, as I like to say, and with that comes family. In-laws in particular will be rolling into town (or maybe you're going it them) and that could mean friction. Whether you get along with your in-laws or your relationship with them leaves something to be desired, there are tips and tools that can help your holidays go off without a hitch. On today's episode, I'm gonna' to be dishin' the dets on how you can prep your mind and heart for family so that you can have an enjoyable, meaningful holiday season with your loved ones.

This Thanksgiving, Love Well Family Therapy is launching EQ++, a course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can feel healthier emotionally and impact your relationships positively. More info here

Shari Loveday

Fail Fast!

Join me and Sherika Wynter, of Thomas and Wynter, as we discuss the "F" word. Yup, FAILURE, and how it relates to success. We aren't just talking about professional failure. The conversation takes a very personal turn. If you've ever experienced failure, if you are failure averse, if you're super successful professionally, but not so much personally, you don't want to miss this episode.

If you're interested in short-term carry that has Black excellence written all over it, check out and support a black girl-owned business today!

Shari Loveday

Slay All Day!

What is success and who decides?

Success can be elusive and with it our peace, joy, and happiness too. Who gets to decide what success is for black women, for you, for me? How do cultural context, gender, and race play a role in the definition and acquisition of success? How are all these things impacting you? Join me and Giselle Jones as we discuss how black women can slay all day!

Looking for a career coach? Wanna take your career to the next level but don't really know where to start? Check out to work with Giselle Jones, an HR expert who is harnessing all her experience and putting it to work for you!

Shari Loveday

Work It, Girl!

Is your relationship with your work impacting your ability to love well?

When we think of relationships in our lives, we often overlook our relationship with our career, but how we are feeling and relating to our work often impacts our ability to love and be loved well in our other relationships. You're a whole woman so it's time to start examining your WHOLE life! Join me and Giselle Jones as we talk about what can happen when there isn't balance or synergy between your work and other areas of your life and how we can take charge of our relationship with our work. Giselle is gonna help us work it, girl!

Interested in career or personal coaching? Reach out to Giselle at

Interested in a class to help you build your emotional intelligence so you can access and embrace your emotions and harness your emotions in every area of your life? Sign up to get updates about my new class, EQ++.
Sign up here

Shari Loveday

Sister Girl Gone!

Losing friends to an awkward transition

When your girlfriend gets married, takes a new job, has a baby, or is in some other type of transition your relationship with her can get sticky. All of a sudden, y'all are out of sync and she seems to get more distant by the day. It can feel like your sister friend is gone! Join me as I share ways to manage transitions in your sister friendships so that you can hold onto the relationships that matter most.

If you're interested in a class on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can have healthier relationships, click the link below to get information about EQ++, my brand new emotional intelligence class.


Shari Loveday

Why She So Messy?

And By She I Mean Me

As sister friends, sometimes we can find that our relationships get messy. After all, wherever there are humans, there's gonna be mess. But how can we limit the messiness in our friendships so they can be the safer places we need? Join me and Landi Jackson-James as we talk about why our relationships can get so messy, how to limit the mess, and be intentional about our friendships.

Click the link below to sign up for EQ++, a digital class that will help you increase your emotional intelligence so that all your relationships can experience a boost in health and vitality!
EQ++ Class

Shari Loveday

Common Enemy and Other Types of Friendships

Have you ever been blindsided in a friendship? Ever wondered what you were missing why you couldn’t see whatever your friend did coming? There are different types of friendships. They all require different levels of engagement. If you aren't clear about what type of friendship you're in, you could be in for a BIG surprise when things don't go the way you thought they would. Join me as I discuss different types of friendships, how they form, how we can take stock of what we have going on in friendships, and make some important decisions about how to proceed.

Shari Loveday

When Her Stuff is Above My Pay Grade

If your friend is experiencing depression, suicide ideation, manic episodes, severe financial trouble, or a physical illness that doesn't seem like she is regular degular kind of sick, these are all moments where it is probably above your pay grade... even if you are a professional in that area.

On today's episode, we are reflecting on times when a friend's issue is above the pay grade of friendship and discussing what it is like when you are a professional to strike a balance between your role as a friend and your lens as a professional. Join me and Dionne Caldwell, LCSW-C, as we talk about how we can navigate friendship when her stuff is above your pay grade.

Shari Loveday

Sister Friendships

Join me and one of my favorite guests, Giselle Jones, of Soar Enterprise as we discuss sister friendships, their importance, and the challenges and joys we face when seeking these life-giving bonds. We talk about some of the things that get in the way of solid sister friendships. And what does reason, season, and lifetime mean? You gotta listen to find out.

Find Giselle and take advantage of her expertise at

Shari Loveday

Sista from Another Mista

Being friends with women from different walks of life can be such a beautiful experience. It can also be challenging because of the learning curve that comes with diversity. Join me and Marla Simmons as we talk about having a Sista from Another Mista and the unique opportunities black women are presented with when we engage with sister friends from different walks of life!

Shari Loveday

Finding Your Tribe

Coming out of a global pandemic, it must be nice to get together with all your people, but what if you don't have people? The isolation continues for many, so today we are talking about why we need a tribe, what challenges we face in finding a person or group with which we experience belonging, what myths we might believe about building those types of relationships, and some suggestions we can try to start building today.


Find Your People by Jennie Allen

Shari Loveday

Black Girl Extremes

From Superwoman to Lois Lane

Have you ever been told that you are too independent or that you are too needy or clingy? Have you experienced hurt in a relationship? When we are hurt in relationships, we tend to lean to either end of a relational spectrum: independence or codependence. I’m the first to ask, is there another option, cuz this ain’t working! There is another really great, balanced option in between. We call it interdependence. Join me to find out what black girls can do to mitigate some of the impacts of socialization and relational hurt we’ve incurred over the years that forces us to these extreme ways in which we relate to others.

Shari Loveday

What My Daddy Did!

With Keneisha Murrell

I am so excited I get to showcase the father-daughter relationship of another black girl. During this conversation, we learn where some of our black girl magic comes from, how we define love, and how our relationships with our father, or the lack thereof, can be the catalyst for all that! Join me and Keneisha Murrell for the latest installment of What My Daddy Did!

Shari Loveday

Black Man, Protect Me


In the wake of the recent Oscar slap heard round the world, I thought it would be good to talk to my girls about what protection can look like within the black community. Landi Jackson-James, Tanya Loveday, and I didn't just talk about black men protecting us. We also talked about what it looks like for us to protect them. Wherever you land on that slap, I hope this episode spurs a conversation in your home concerning what protection should look like for you and your brood. Please note, if you're looking for a podcast that's gon drag Will or Jada, this ain't the one! This is a healthy conversation about protection in our community!

Shari Loveday

What My Mama Did!


Black girls and their mamas! It's a whole thing! They're our champions. They understand how hard it is to be a black/brown woman. They ride for us, but our relationships with our mothers can be complicated. Join me as I make room for one black girl's mom story and along the way, I hope you get to process your "mom stuff." My guest this week is Kia Benjamin.

Shari Loveday

Healing My Father Wound


If you've been wounded by your father, you know that the pain seems unbearable some days. If you hold onto the pain, you hold onto your chains, but how can we heal and move beyond the things that happened in the past that seem to be holding our future hostage? Join me for Healing My Father Wound where I will take an in-depth look at some of the issues that come from a father wound and offer practical tools for healing and moving forward with healthy, happy relationships.
If you're located in Maryland and are in need of a relational therapist reach out and Book a Free Mutual-Fit Call

Affordable or Free Therapy
Open Path Collective (don't have to reside in Maryland)

The Fatherless Daughter Project: Understanding Our Losses and Reclaiming Our Lives by Denna Babul and Karin Louise
Fatherless Daughter by Pamela Thomas

Shari Loveday