I’m a Little Scared Too

It's National Poetry Month! I am so excited to share a series of Black Girl Poems by yours truly!

Art is an important medium for human growth and processing! As these poems post each week, I hope you'll see yourself somewhere in them and in that representation, you experience space to process some of the more difficult experiences you have had as a black woman. Today's poem is entitled Letters to a Young Me. I hope you enjoy this Black Girl Poetry series!

Shari Loveday

The Parting Gift

It's National Poetry Month! I am so excited to share a series of Black Girl Poems by yours truly!

Art is an important medium for human growth and processing! As these poems post each week, I hope you'll see yourself somewhere in them and in that representation, you experience space to process some of the more difficult experiences you have had as a black woman. Today's poem is entitled The Parting Gift. I hope you enjoy this Black Girl Poetry Series!

Shari Loveday

I Want More

It's National Poetry Month! I am so excited to share a series of Black Girl Poems by yours truly!

Art is an important medium for human growth and processing! As these poems post each week, I hope you'll see yourself somewhere in them and in that representation, you experience space to process some of the more difficult experiences you have had as a black woman. Today's poem is entitled I Sing of Beauty. I hope you enjoy this Black Girl Poetry series!

Shari Loveday

My Money and Me

Part Two

Money can be a touchy topic between couples as well as just for us personally. Our money story contributes greatly to how we experience and interact with money as well as how we interact with others concerning money. Join me and Raquel Mack, of Mack Financial Services Group, as we discuss how our money stories impact our lives and relationships and figure out how we can begin to move in new directions where our relationship with money and others are concerned.

Shari Loveday

My Money and Me

Part One

Money can be a touchy topic between couples as well as just for us personally. Our money story contributes greatly to how we experience and interact with money as well as how we interact with others about money. Join me and Raquel Mack, of Mack Financial Services Group, as we discuss how our money stories impact our lives and relationships and figure out how we can begin to move in new directions where our relationship with money and others are concerned.

Shari Loveday

Ms. Perfect, Bendy Girl, and the Invisible Woman

Black Girl Super Hero Personas

Sometimes Black girls show up as superwomen, but this can look different for each of us. You might people-please, while I make myself small so others will have space. Or maybe you show up perfectly, unable to tolerate imperfection. Whichever it is, Ms. Perfect, Bendy Girl, or the Invisible Woman, let's explore how our superwoman persona may be impacting us negatively and creating friction in our relationships.

Book Resources
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, When to Say NO, To Take Control of Your Life
Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
Good Boundaries and Goodbyes: Loving Others Without Losing the Best of Who You Are
Lysa Turkeurst and Jim Cress
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
Brene Brown

Shari Loveday

Me and All My Parts

Bringing Balance and Harmony to the Symphony that is Your Life

Ever have the experience where part of you feels one way and another part of you feels differently? Well, that's because we are complex and multifaceted beings. The question is, how can we make sense of our lives when we feel pulled in different directions by all these parts? How can we ensure that our parts aren't causing us to live out maladaptive coping mechanisms that no longer serve us? Join me today to explore how to bring balance to your life and all your parts.

Shari Loveday

Not Enough Room for You, Me, and My Trauma

How Personal Trauma Impacts Our Relationships

Collective and historical trauma is one thing, but what about personal trauma? How does personal trauma affect my relationships? Could trauma be at play for some of the communication breakdowns, emotional meltdowns, self-sabotage, or avoidant behaviors I am experiencing in my relationships? Join me to explore how personal trauma impacts our ability to love and be loved well.

*Episode may be potentially triggering if you have experienced trauma, so go slow.

Shari Loveday

The Truth Is

Happy Women's History Month!! I wrote the piece contained in this episode to highlight and explore the dualities we often experience as women; the worries and anxious thoughts that threaten to take us off course if left unchecked, the traumas that change the way we see ourselves, the hopes and dreams that keep us alive and moving forward. I wanted to give voice to them in hopes that you'll explore all of these facets of your life and how they impact your ability to love yourself, your God, your enemies, and your family/friends.

If you need a therapist and you are located in Maryland, I can help. Find me on…
Therapy in Maryland

Shari Loveday

Anxiety about Anxiety

On the heels of exploring attachment styles in episode 45, let's look at how anxiety can derail our ability to love and be loved well. I don't know about you, but sometimes I am anxious about how anxiety will impact my relationships, and I just wanna bury my head in my comforter and sleep it off. Well, we can't avoid anxiety and we can't let it continue to run a muck in our relationships. Whether you or your partner deal with anxiety, join me to learn how to spot it, manage it, and take your relationship back!

Shari Loveday

Can You Write Something for Me?

In honor of Black History Month and Love Day, today's episode is a poem entitled Can You Write Something for Me? Often, black girls are portrayed in ways that feel alien to us. This poem encapsulates the idea that we get to decide what is written about us. Write our truth, not yours, when you write about us. Write the whole truth, not the pretty parts or the ones that make you feel comfortable about history. Write something for me. Enjoy!

Shari Loveday

Shall We Dance?

Why We May Have Chosen Our Partner and the Dance We Do

Have you ever wondered what goes into how we choose our life partner? Was it just his eyes or his sense of humor? Well, his attachment style and yours certainly played a role. Join me on today's episode to explore what your attachment style may be, what your partner's may be, and what dance y'all are doing as a result.

Shari Loveday

Collateral Damage (Part 3)

The Impact of Historical and Collective Trauma on BIPOC Populations

So often, we have issues within our families or couple relationships that feel as if they are beyond us. Where are they coming from? The issues may be linked to collective trauma. The ways we show up in Black/Indigenous/People of Color (BIPOC) communities often reflect the ways we have been treated by our oppressors historically. Collective Trauma theories help us understand how things that happened generations ago could be affecting our ability to love and be loved well. So what are you gonna do about it? Nothing... until you become aware of the impact, you can't go about healing and growing. Join me and Linnea Willis, LCPC, as we discuss collective trauma's impact on BIPOC communities.

Find Linnea Willis at https://www.lpctservices.com/

If you need a therapist and you are located in Maryland, I can help. Find me at...

Shari Loveday

Collateral Damage (Part 2)

The Impact of Historical and Collective Trauma on BIPOC Populations

So often, we have issues within our families or couple relationships that feel as if they are beyond us. Where are they coming from? The issues may be linked to collective trauma. The ways we show up in Black/Indigenous/People of Color (BIPOC) communities often reflect the ways we have been treated by our oppressors historically. Collective Trauma theories help us understand how things that happened generations ago could be affecting our ability to love and be loved well. So what are you gonna do about it? Nothing... until you become aware of the impact, you can't go about healing and growing. Join me and Linnea Willis, LCPC, as we discuss collective trauma's impact on BIPOC communities.

Find Linnea Willis at https://www.lpctservices.com/

If you need a therapist and you are located in Maryland, I can help. Find me at...

Shari Loveday

Collateral Damage

The Impact of Historical and Collective Trauma on BIPOC Populations

So often, we have issues within our families or couple relationships that feel as if they are beyond us. Where are they coming from? The issues may be linked to collective trauma. The ways we show up in Black/Indigenous/People of Color (BIPOC) communities often reflect the ways we have been treated by our oppressors historically. Collective Trauma theories help us understand how things that happened generations ago could be affecting our ability to love and be loved well. So what are you gonna do about it? Nothing... until you become aware of the impact, you can't go about healing and growing. Join me and Linnea Willis, LCPC, as we discuss collective trauma's impact on BIPOC communities.

If you are located in MD, OH, or WV you can benefit from Linnea Willis’ therapeutic services. Find her at https://www.lpctservices.com/

Shari Loveday

Where Was God?

Disclaimer: Potentially triggering episode if you’ve experienced trauma.

Disclaimer: This episode could be triggering for you if you have experienced trauma.
Our relationships with God can be impacted by many things. Today on Black Girl, Love Well, we are exploring how trauma and what we believe about God's role in it impact our relationship with him. How much of what you feel comes from other people's notions about God and religion and how much of that actually comes from what you think and know about God through your own spirituality? Whew, chile! Join me as we look at the topic Where Was God?

If you need a therapist and you are located in Maryland, I can help. Reach out here Therapy in Maryland

Shari Loveday

My Spirituality Is Mine!

Defranchising your relationship with God

Your relationship with God may be one of the most important relationships in your life, but what if you've experienced hurt in a religious context? Or what if you've been "othered" by folks who claimed to have the corner of the market on spirituality? Has your relationship with God been franchised by the establishment? Join me as we talk about what it looks like to defranchise our spirituality and take back what is rightfully and uniquely ours.

Shari Loveday

Holiday Survival Tip 6

Lean In to What Feels Good

Each week throughout the holidays I am going to be posting quick tips on how you can not just survive the holidays, but how you can thrive during this season. Just one more way I am trying to ensure that as Black girls we are loving and being loved well!

Don't forget to grab EQ++, my new course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can love you and those around you a little better. 

Shari Loveday

Holiday Survival Tip 5


Each week throughout the holidays I am going to be posting quick tips on how you can not just survive the holidays, but how you can thrive during this season. Just one more way I am trying to ensure that as Black girls we are loving and being loved well!

Don't forget to grab EQ++, my new course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can love you and those around you a little better. 

Shari Loveday

Holiday Survival Tip 4

Essential Oils

Each week throughout the holidays I am going to be posting quick tips on how you can not just survive the holidays, but how you can thrive during this season. Just one more way I am trying to ensure that as Black girls we are loving and being loved well!

Don't forget to grab EQ++, my new course on increasing your emotional intelligence so that you can love you and those around you a little better. 

Shari Loveday